An upgraded, scalable job planning system and new mobile app development, provided full job details to the operator, streamline job completion, and automatically sends a job tickets to the client.
Two companies Spray Tanker Services, based in Wolverhampton, and PD Stonham t/a Bondgrip, based in Essex, joined forces in 2019.
Together they are market leaders in bond coat application, road spraying and surfacing across England.
Objective is our software development partner. The team has taken time to understand the intricacies of our business, to fully enhance and upscale our database system as well as build a bespoke mobile app to make our processes slicker.
The relationship is very positive, they are flexible to our needs and respond quickly – which is appreciated.

The Challenge
Historically, the road surfacing operators used a paper-based system to monitor vehicle checks prior to driving to the job, record products and quantities used per job, and obtain sign off by the site supervisor. This information was then typed into the comprehensive web-based job planning system, developed by Objective in 2017, to produce invoices and accompanying job tickets for clients.
As the business expanded assigning new jobs and collating and inputting completed job information became labour intensive and time critical.
Software enhancements to the internal job planning system and the bespoke development of an operator’s mobile app were needed to streamline the job process and completion on site.
The Solution
An Android mobile app was developed to fully integrate with the existing job-planning system, which is shared by both Spray Tanker Services & Bondgrip. The App receives and sends updates to the database over 4G, and mobile app settings such as users and vehicle checks are controlled via additions to the web application.
Road Surfacing Operators were provided with an Android tablet to use the app.
Here they can log their daily vehicle checks, report pass or fail on individual items and take photographs with useful comments to draw immediate attention to safety issues. The information is immediately uploaded to the system for a workshop engineer to prioritise fixes and manage vehicle maintenance.
A weekly view of assigned jobs is available to the operator. Acknowledgement confirms the job as viewed and accepted. On occasion the client may cancel the job at short notice, largely due to weather conditions. Therefore, the app allows the operator to cancel a job enabling HQ to re-arrange at a suitable date.
Instant Messaging means the operator receives app notifications when a new job is assigned to them within the current week, or an acknowledged job is cancelled with a few days’ notice. Additionally, an area called Operator notes assists with relevant job or site instructions.
When onsite the app guides the operator to complete and save the job by logging the road preparation and surfacing products, and quantities used. On completion the site supervisor inspects the job and signs off via the app, photos can also be taken at this stage.
Sign off triggers’ compilation of a job ticket, which is emailed to the client detailing the bond coat products applied.
The Results & Benefits
- Improved Productivity and Vehicle Safety – via digital processing of vehicle checks and job completion
- Engaged Operators – all the job information is in one trusted place
- Immediate Updates – push notifications ensure the operators are given the latest job information
- More Satisfied Clients – sleeker, systemised operations breed confidence
- Streamlines Job Planning – the web app now provides greater visibility of operator’s availability, location, and capacity
The bespoke nature of this mobile app development provides a unique opportunity for the companies to expand reach across England.
The Technology
ASP .Net
SQL Server