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The Digital Transformation Strategy. A path to continuous improvement

The Digital Transformation Strategy: A Path to Continuous Improvement

In the digital age, businesses of all sizes and industries are embarking on a journey of digital transformation. It is not a destination or a one-off initiative. Instead, it is a continuous process, that needs consistent adaptation and improvement. Digital transformation strategy involves integrating digital technology into all areas of a business to drive efficiency,

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an orange background with white text reading 'The Role of Power BI Developers in Data Driven Organisations

The Role of a Power BI Developer in Data-Driven Organisations 

In today’s connected and data-driven world, organisations have access to an overwhelming amount of data. But here’s the million-dollar question: how do you turn this mountain of raw information into insights that fuel smarter decisions?  Enter your Power BI developer… These tech-savvy professionals are the unsung heroes of data-driven organisations, wielding the power of Microsoft

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a yellow background with white objective logo. Text reads 'we are objective'

We are Objective

Objective was founded in 1987, when the technology sector looked extremely different. Choosing the domain name www.objectiveit.com was a natural fit with our ambition to build cutting-edge software technology solutions, with ‘IT’ referencing ‘Innovative Technology’, as this lies at the heart of what we do. Since then, the tech landscape has changed. Now, for many,

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