Data Analytics

5 Ways To Achieve Goals With Automation

Using machine learning, you can build an accurate prediction model which allows you to score leads for your sales team and target the right customers.

Marketing Automation

Marketing automation is a division within customer relationship management that focuses on segmentation, scheduling and tracking of marketing campaigns. Typically, automation is achieved through the use of software technologies by marketing departments, which automate repetitive tasks across multiple online channels; this often leads to increased efficiency and reduced human error. The end goal of email marketing automation is to develop contacts into customers, alongside maximising return on investment (ROI).

Increasing Bar Chart With Arrow On Top

Advantages of Automation Software

Here we’ll take a look at five reasons as to why the most successful businesses use marketing automation:

1: Better Lead Development

You’ll be able to reach out to the right people at the right time. The lead list you’ll work with will be targeted to those with specific interests relevant to your offer. Once you’ve got this list, marketing automation software can automatically nurture those leads without you having to manually personalise emails; this also reduces conversion time.

2: Save in Resources

As marketing automation can now automate many tasks that previously would need to be completed manually, such as personalisation and segmentation, time saved can be invested in other areas; similarly, campaigns and promotions can also be scheduled ahead of time, alongside auto-responding emails.

3: Increased Revenue and ROI

Research body Gartner reported that companies who used automation software within their marketing departments saw an average increase of revenue by 10% or more over a period of six to nine months. Another report by Gartner found that automated solutions help companies save up to 15% of their marketing budgets.

4: Marketing Intelligence

Performance indicators such as opens, click through rates and unsubscriptions can typically be viewed through graphs and charts with ease. This allows for simple comparisons between campaigns. Advanced automation software will offer a business intelligence style service, showing you what links are being clicked and what’s not so successful.

5: CRM and Database Integration

Most marketing automation software can integrate with CRM platforms. This can then show you which of your strategies are shining with success, but also those that are struggling. This gives you a much better overview of your tactics and allows you invest more resources into your successful campaigns.

4 Puzzle Pieces Fitting Together

What Software to Use?

Here at Objective IT we use marketing automation software to aid us in being as efficient as possible with our marketing and sales processes. The software solution we use is Inxmail, a European based email marketing software provider. We are also an Inxmail solution partner.

Inxmail provides an efficient, automated service which allows us to target specific groups of our audience with our own effective, informative content. Their “smart templates” allow for the design of attractive, responsive emails. They can also contain shop and tracking systems within each link.

With the ability to connect the Inxmail service with our own CRM, we’re able to identify which of our own campaigns are most effective. This way, we know the time and resources we invest into our marketing efforts will lead to a successful return.

Inxmail Logo

The primary goal of the solution partnership is to strategically expand email marketing services for our clients. Are you looking to upgrade your software by adding professional email marketing functionalities?

Integrate Inxmail API

If this sounds of interest to you, get in contact with Objective IT. We can help your business with the setup of the Inxmail software, alongside the integration of the high-performance Inxmail API with your databases.

To find out more…

Take a look at what we can do with marketing analytics

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