Data Analytics

What Is Personalisation – And What You Need To Do


Personalisation is the inclusion of personal references or tailored content which meets the customer’s particular need or preference. For companies aiming to curate unique product offerings for their customers, personalisation is an essential part of the marketing strategy.

The rise of the smartphone, social media and multi-device usage may make you think that creating a personalised campaign on all platforms is near impossible. Here at Objective we would argue the opposite, more information makes personalisation easier. With an intelligent central database collecting information about your customers across all platforms we can get an informed picture of a customer’s interests and needs. This can then be used to create tailored landing pages, website suggestions and email campaigns.

Personalisation can help you provide the information your customer wants to see straight away. Gain more conversions by using the right perception of value for your customer, based upon previous information stored about them. Create more brand advocates, thanks to the smooth experience you have given customers.

Personalisation in Use

If you have ever shopped with Amazon you will have experienced personalisation. Amazon make recommendations based upon your previous purchases and email you to suggest the recommendations they have made.

Personalisation can be simple to implement with many Content Management Systems, for more information please contact us on +44 (0)1245 955633 or [email protected]