Data Analytics, Business, Consultancy

Start Your Data Discovery

What is Data Discovery?

The majority of companies want to know how to unlock the commercial value of their data. Simply put, they want to understand what’s going on in their business, to improve operations and make evidence backed decisions.
In the context of data analytics, a data discovery is the first step to explore your data in order to seek answers to important business questions.

Within the discovery, one of our data scientists will interrogate your data to help you obtain a deeper understanding of your customers and prospects to enhance customer retention and acquisition. They will look for patterns, and any gaps, with the aim of revealing previously unknown information, that should be beneficial to your business.

For companies’ unsure what business questions to ask, we will draw on our experience to assist. Alternatively, data can be mined and explored to just find out what’s possible.

What are the steps in a data discovery?

  1. Firstly, complete the registration form
    Your requirements will be scoped, and we will be in touch. If you’d rather talk through what you need than fill in a form – please feel free contact us to arrange a convenient time or call 01245 955 633.
  2. Once we understand your situation, your business focus and the outcomes you’re aiming to achieve we need to gain access to your data.
  3. Data discovery is an analytical approach to query and explore your data, to understand patterns and help you see a clearer picture.
  4. Next, a conference call or workshop is arranged to discuss our findings and provide some recommendations.
  5. When you want to proceed to a data analytics project – we can create a roadmap, so together we can plan and monitor your next actionable steps.

Typical Outcomes of Data Discovery

Understand your customers – Enhance customer retention and identify more cross-sell/up sell opportunities as well as…

Evaluate Sales – View high performing areas and those which need adapting.

Informed Operational Decisions – Understand what’s happening in real-time to help shape the future.

Targeted Marketing – Identify where and when to promote your products/services or bring new developments to market.

Register for a data discovery today!

Valued at £1000
Limited offer *with our compliments* if booked before the end of December 2022.

What you learn during a discovery phase should help you identify whether you want to move forward to a proof concept or data analytics project. Running a project means you’ve decided that the benefits of looking further into the data issue outweigh the investment.