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A Complete Guide to Marketing Intelligence

A Complete Guide to Marketing Intelligence

Efficient marketing intelligence answers questions relating to existing and potential customers in terms of buying habits and their tastes to help inform decisions as to what markets the business should consider entering next, and how best to serve possible changing customer requirements.

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Predictive Analytics

The Magic Behind Predictive Analysis

Predictive analytics is the use of data, statistical algorithms and machine learning techniques to identify the likelihood of future outcomes based on historical data. The magic happens by reaching beyond knowing what has happened to providing a best assessment of what will happen in the future.

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Ticket to Efficiency

Advantages of outsourcing software development

Your Ticket to Efficiency: Rather than using your in house development team for every software or analytics project, or recruiting a developer and needing a sufficient stream of work to keep them 100% engaged; collaborating with a software partner offering flexible development resource is worth considering…

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data discovery

Start Your Data Discovery

Discover the secrets held in your data to enhance customer retention, increase sales opportunities and understand your business.
Data discovery is an analytical approach to query and explore your data, to understand patterns and help you see a clearer picture.

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Power BI Logo

How to Use Power BI Like a Pro

Previously siloed, disparate data, can be viewable in one or more clear Power BI dashboards.
Here’s some tips on How to use Power BI like a pro to produce Sales and Operations dashboards, for example…

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