Software Development

Is A Multichannel Experience Becoming The Norm?

A multichannel experience is using a variety of channels throughout a customer’s shopping experience including research before a purchase.

A multichannel experience is using a variety of channels throughout a customer’s shopping experience including research before a purchase. Channels may include: retail stores, websites, mobile devices, mobile apps, telephone sales and any other method of transacting with a customer. Transacting includes browsing, buying, returning as well as pre and post- sale service.

Today’s connected travellers expect brands to seamlessly engage with them across channels. Furthermore, they demand engaging, highly relevant, personalised customer experiences.

How can you engage your customers by providing precisely the information they want, when they want it and how they want it?

Make sure your website is mobile-enabled

Mobile browsing is already ahead of PCs at certain times of day, looking forward smart mobile devices will dominate the web.

Your mobile website should be formatted for a smaller screen with easy access to the most important functions such as inspirations, prices and a simplified shopping basket.

Alternatively chose a responsive design website, which will adapt automatically to the various screen sizes and technology resolutions.

38.4% of all traffic is on mobile devices – by the end of 2014 it’s projected to be almost 50%

Introduce relevant content in channels favoured by your customer

A multichannel experience is often said to be dictated by systems and processes when in fact it is the customer that dictates the route they take to transact. As technology advances, so do customer expectations. Travellers expect timely information and a quality experience that meets their needs during each step in the travel process. Reach your potential holiday makers with relevant content and device-savvy travel software across platforms.

For travel companies, there are no definite fail proof solutions when determining how to use new web and mobile technology to meet business and customer needs.

Each travel company needs to consider its own culture, goals, business processes and target audience and work with a software development company that ‘gets it’.

Device Usage Across The Day