Bespoke Software for Start ups

If you are creating a startup business then amongst other considerations such as recruiting 
the necessary staff, equipment purchases, and other essentials will be what IT systems and 
software to use.

Getting off on the right foot in a new business with systems and software that meets your 
requirements is important to get it right first time. You understandably want your IT systems 
and software to easily enable you to conduct your day-to-day business efficiently in 
producing your product or service and helping to promote and market yourself effectively.

Software Development Guide

    Request a Call

    Jonathan Hall

    Director, Smartbrief Broadcasting App Ltd

    Choosing Objective as our software development partner has given us peace of mind. The development of SMARTbrief, which broadcasts videos and documents, results in us staying ahead of the curve with continual plans for new innovations.

    Bespoke Software or off the Shelf Solutions?

    For some startups, the appeal of using ‘off the shelf’ software is at first sight understandable in that many are familiar enough to many users and they’re usually priced competitively, and these days can run locally or – more commonly – in the cloud. You can be up and running pretty quickly.

    The downside with the off the shelf solution is twofold:

    • Limited functionality – a ‘one size fits all’ solution may not offer all the functionality you’d ideally like to have, and you may have to improvise a little to overcome limitations of a standard set up.
    • Limited adaptability – as your business grows or diversifies your standard packages may not be able to cope: it may be a case of ‘rip it up and start again’ which can prove expensive and disruptive.

    Bespoke software development for startups is a highly viable option that solves the above two shortcomings:

    • Improved functionality – bespoke software for startups can be designed with your present needs in mind and fit you ‘hand in glove’ so there’s no need to miss out on functionality that could help your activities.
    • Adaptability – custom designed software can grow and adapt as your business does: partnering up with an experienced bespoke software development specialist means you’ll benefit from custom designed software that can adapt to your needs as opposed to having to start all over again.

    Hidden Value for Money with Bespoke Software

    Whilst bespoke software for startups designed by a specialist development company may seem like a luxury for a startup it can actually be seen as a sensible – even essential – investment likely to more than pay off in the long run. As discussed above, bespoke software for startups, if developed by a reputable expert, can be flexible so as to continually meet your changing needs so you’ll avoid expensive replacements of your off the shelf packages and possible revenue loss due to the down time as systems are changed over.

    Startups in a Good Position for 
    Bespoke Software Development

    As a startup, you’re in a good position to make the most of bespoke software since a developer is starting with a ‘clean sheet of paper’ as you’re a new business; they’re not replacing pre-existing software or integrating newly developed software with your existing system. Make the most of the potential of bespoke software for startups by talking to an experienced software development company today.
